2004 Hynes Lawyers Pitching Competition

To be Held: Saturday 4 December 2004 , 2.30-3.30pm ,
Corryong 3, Level 2, Melbourne Convention
The Hynes Lawyers Pitching Competition provides a great opportunity
for emerging and small developers to pitch a game concept to a
panel of industry players. Targeted feedback will be provided to
all successful pitchers and the best pitch will receive Legal Services
from Hynes Lawyers to the value of $4000 presented at the Gala
Awards Dinner.
Nominations are open to all Australian and New Zealand residents.
Emerging and small developers (up to 5 employees) are eligible
to submit a short concept proposal. All submissions will be reviewed
by the AGDC Awards Committee which comprises game industry representatives.
All applicants must also have entered their game concept in the
AGD Award for Best Unsigned Game - Professional or Indie category.
See AGD Award rules and Regulations here.
A short list of 5 pitches will be selected for the competition
by the Awards Committee.
A data projector, screen and lectern will be available in Corryong
3 for the Pitching Competition. Shortlisted candidates will be
required to submit their game demo (maximum 3 minutes) to the Speakers
Lounge, You Yangs 5, Level 3 before 10.30am Saturday 4 December
for upload prior to the commencement of the session.
Successful pitchers will have 10 minutes each to pitch their concept
and show off a movie trailer of the game to a panel of Australian-based
and international publishers.
All pitchers will be given feedback at the session.
Each of the five (5) pitching teams will be provided with one
(1) dinner ticket per team to attend the Gala Awards Dinner on
Saturday, 4 December 2004 . Additional Gala Award Dinner tickets
can be purchased for AUD$143 per person.
The winning pitch will be announced at the AGDC Gala Awards Dinner.
The nominee or a representative must be present at the Gala Awards
Dinner to accept the award.

Applications for the AGDC Pitching Competition are now invited.
Applications close on 17 November. Successful applicants will be
notified by email on 22 November 2004 .
Teams must submit the following information:
1. Company Information
- Company name
- Name (if not a registered company/contact
name for company)
- Address
- Email
- Telephone contact
- URL (if you have one)
- Working Title for the Project
2. Project Outline
- Brief description of your project (Concept outline:
one paragraph)
- Project Plan (500 word description)
This should include the following areas:
- Platform suitability (innovation, game modes, longevity,
features etc)
- Graphical effects and visual appeal (variety, style, effects,
animation etc)
- Innovative features (control, audio, structuring, effects
- Gameplay features (collectibles, difficulty, modes of play,
- Game dynamics (physics, AI, interaction, cameras etc)
- Control method (use of Analog, Peripherals, functionality,
ergonomics etc)
- Game structure (level design, rewards, presentation etc)
- Suitability to market (theme, licence, genre, demographic
- Project team: experience/track record, previous titles
staff have directly been involved with
- Other (video and/or code)
- Supporting Statement
A 100 word supporting statement on why your team should
have the opportunity to pitch and why you should win.
3. Game Demo
A 3-minute game demo on DVD should be provided.

Applications close 4:00pm Friday 19 November 2004 .
Successful applicants notified by email on 22 November 2004 .
Teams pitch live on Saturday 4 December 2004 , 2.30-3.30pm
The Winner will be announced and presented with their award at
the Gala Awards Dinner.
Hynes Lawyers have sponsored five (5) Gala Award Dinner tickets
to enable one (1) representative from each of the five pitching
teams to attend the Gala Awards Dinner.
The winner of the Pitching Competition will receive Legal Services
from Hynes Lawyers to the value of AUD$4000 (valid for 12 months
from 4 December 2004 ).
